Family Stories

My family and I are so thankful for the care that was given to both my Dad and Mom by April and her team at Lyon Specialty Care in Rock Rapids, IA. We are all on the journey of life and when it comes to the final stage of life it is great to have a small town nursing home staff give such great care to your loved ones when you can not be there all of the time.  They all do a fantastic job!  God Bless!

Shari V.

Lyon Specialty Care

Thank you all for the warm welcome you gave to our mother. You’re “grand” as the Irish say we appreciate your genuine hospitality.

The Murphys

Lyon Specialty Care

Everything was wonderful. I didn't think I was going to be able to return home but with the great care, I got to. The therapist and nursing staff help to make this possible. They are all now my friends. 

Jeanne L.

Lyon Specialty Care