Family Stories

My sister and I know that our mom loves Valley View! Thank you for all you and your staff have done to make the transition and now a permanent situation for mom a positive one. I appreciate being contacted when necessary about any health-related issue. We feel that mom is in the right place for her needs, as well as our peace of mind!
Continued success to you all!

Sue V.

Thank you for the past few years of care for Mom. Bless you all for seeing what we saw - a beautiful, fun lady. We loved her. Thanks for everything. 

A resident's family

Thank you for maintaining such a shiny and tidy place for the residents to stay. You are truly dedicated to keeping it a great place to reside. I have thoroughly appreciated your hard work.

Betty M.

A very special thank you to the staff and residents at Valley View Specialty Care. I'm so grateful you were able to be a part of our lives the past seven years. Thank you for all the special love and care. You welcomed me each day when I walked through the door. You so often went above and beyond to care not only for XXXXX, but in so many ways, for me as well. You truly became my family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Anonymous frequent visitor at Valley View

Please accept my sincere thanks and appreciation for your care and attention. You have all been so kind and patient. I love your smiles, your friendliness and also  your sincerity in you rowkr. You all deserve a big gold star for a job well done

Betty M.